Things Kids Of The New Millennium Say About The Generation Gap

In the eighties, Michael Moore made it big with his documentary “its” (I guess that was its original name). These are things kids of this generation will remember. Many of us grew up with those movies and I can remember sitting through a length of them in the movie theater with my friends. Some of the best include “Willy Wonka” and “A Christmas Story.”


Our generation didn’t get these movies for anything. We grew up with those movies and they influenced us, today. They were great, just like everything else in our generation. Nowadays, we get Internet videos, social network sites, video games, everything from “The Goonies,” to ” Toy Story,” to “E.T.” It seems that there’s always something new coming out, except for the bad ones.


Kids of this generation, and perhaps even this century will remember what we did as children. Things like drawing, doing arts and crafts, playing computer games… these things will always be around. I can hear them now saying, “I want one of those.” Please consider all this and think about it. Do kids learn when growing up? Think about this.

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